Yoga Edition
Find Your Zen With Our Yoga-Inspired Bracelets : Elevate Your Practice With Style

Tridatu Bracelet
Tridatu bracelets are traditional Balinese bracelets made of three different materials representing the three Hindu gods Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. The bracelets are usually worn for protection, good luck, and to promote balance and harmony within the wearer's life.
Prana Bracelet

In yoga, prana refers to the vital life force or energy that animates all living beings. It is often described as the breath, but it is more than just the physical act of breathing. Prana is the subtle energy that permeates the universe and connects us to everything around us.
5 Elements Bracelets
Promotes Positive Energy: Many yoga bracelets incorporate gemstones or crystals that are believed to promote positive energy and balance in the body. These stones are believed to have healing properties and can help to bring balance and harmony to the wearer.

Understanding the five elements helps to cultivate awareness of the interconnectedness of all things in nature, including our bodies and minds.

Balancing the five elements within the body is believed to promote physical, emotional, and mental balance, which can lead to greater health and well-being.

Personal growth
Incorporating the five elements into a yoga practice can also lead to personal growth, as it encourages self-reflection and self-awareness.

Spiritual development
The five elements are also seen as a way to connect with the divine or universal consciousness, and incorporating them into a spiritual practice can deepen one's connection to the divine.