Chinese New Year Special

 Chinese New Year – also known as the Spring Festival 春節 / 春节 (chūn jié) – marks the beginning of the new lunar year (the time for the moon to travel around the Earth). Many people take time to visit the temple to make an offering to the Buddha or the gods, for blessings for a prosperous new year. Some might pray to the Jade Emperor, who is the most important God in Heaven; the God of Wealth; and the Door Gods: two fierce warriors who frighten away evil spirits and bad luck.

Welcoming in the year of the OX, we would like to give you something special for you and for your beloved families and friends. Get 25% discount on gemstone bracelets! It's New Year and a New You, Why should you buy our gemstone bracelets? Because many gemstones are thought to hold special powers that can bring about certain fortune for those who wear them. SHOP NOW

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